Saturday, April 4, 2009

The Vom-rem

When we started this blog, Hannah and I never meant to post on things that we hate, but I feel this merits a post. WHY WHY WHY must you do this to me Anthropologie? The HAREM pant? really? REALLY? It's like an ungodly hybrid of gauchos and leggings, two universally unflattering styles. Why must you slay me so, Anthro? I THOUGHT WE WERE FRIENDS.

These specimens are the pants-form of an old vintage J. Crew blouse of my mothers that I wore when I went to a pirate party. Dressed as a PIRATE. In Anthro's defense, these MIGHT work I was tan, 8 feet tall and a hundred pounds. But alas, I am not tan, 8 feet tall, or a hundred pounds. Most likely you are not 8 feet tall and a hundred pounds either. So really, wtf Anthropologie?

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