Tuesday, April 14, 2009

How is your tea? Quite cozy, thank you.

I drink a lot of tea. Might even be what we in the old country called a 'tea jenny.' Not sure why, we just do. As a drinker of multiple pots of tea a day and the owner of some quickly tanning teeth, I am concerned with whitening tooth paste and keeping tea hot hot hot. While these shenanigans are kind of funky (okay maybe not that one) they really don't do much for temperature maintenance. Ditto the lovely squirrel cozy from the Zakka Sewing Book , it's lovely but not particularly warmifying. Being a cozy traditionalist, I made this with some rando scraps we had lying around. I followed these instructions except no embroidery and no little tab on the top. I like it better my way. It also keeps tea very warm.

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