My experience with West Elm has been really mixed, I ordered Christmas presents that were then backordered (after I paid) until March and only after ten calls and a bunch of really unattractive tweets did they acknowledge this and then attempt to make it right (which looked like just sending half the order and canceling the other order). Then for birthdays I gave it another shot (because my brother REALLY needed this and my sister needed a house warming gift) and they came and they were beautiful (if slow). So the fact that I have a deep and abiding need for this rug is source of irritation to me. Despite the mixed bag that is WE, I'm loving their paper flowers and they have inspired me to try making some of my own before I buy some. These crepe paper pink flowers are my favourites and this crepe paper bouquet is fun, a few of these on my desk might be just the thing.
Crafting, a trip to Eastern Market, some roast chicken and a special project for the twins birthday are all on my weekend agenda. I hope yours is scrumptious. xoxo
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