Thursday, April 25, 2013


If you've ever seen a picture of our apartment, even at it's very tidiest, you will notice that it is FULL OF THINGS.  We moved our big apartment in Durham into a very small apartment in DC and I wasn't ready to get rid of all the things.  Now my sister is in her own apartment in Rockville and it's time to pass on one of the couches to her (maybe a bookshelf) rearrange and donate.  I've been scouring the interwebs for good ideas and here are some of my favourites:

Apartment Therapy's January Cure (can be done in may though)
Laura Miller on the Well Tended Bookshelf
The NYT asks authors what books they can live without
Young House Love's Organizational Projects
Declutter Tips and Tools from Design Sponge

And my favourite tip from Gretchen Rubin.  She was having a hard time parting with some of her daughters things but once her sister was having a baby she was quite happy to hand them down to him.  She recommends finding a place you'd be happy for things to go.  I know it's so much easier to offer some of my favourite things that no longer fit or just don't get worn to my sisters rather than just send them to Goodwill.

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